Curious about FreshClaw tofu cat litter? Here I share real test results and insights about this tofu-based cat litter – no fluff, just facts! Discover how this litter performs for our cats and the environment with me.
Do you know cat scratchers from House of Cats? If you’re looking for functional, modern, and eco-friendly cat scratching posts, then read my review to find out if the Sofa Black and Comfy Black scratching posts from House of Cats will be the perfect choice for you and your cat!
I’ve been using scratchers LUI, VIGO and TOBI from myKotty for almost a year now and I’m ready to share my opinion on them.
Last Christmas I visited with my family and I buyed a cheap Kitty wooden catlitter from local shop Biedronka. Will the Kitty wooden cat litter meet the challenge? You will find the answer to this question in the review.
I tested and analysed Calitti Strong cat litter. Is it as good as it seems at first glance? Check out this detailed review!
Apollo’s cat mission goals to find the best and most eco-friendly cat litter. This time I tested the Calitti CORN litter. Does it meet all cats & human needs? You will find the answer in this review.
Until now, I have only written on the blog about plant litter, but I know that many of you use other types of cat litter. That is why I prepared for you a review of Canadian Cat – bentonite cat litter.
You don’t have to buy expensive cat toys, because you can make them yourself from materials that you already have at home! All you need is a piece of string and a stick so that you can make a fantastic rod for your kitten yourself, and serve the environment! I have prepared for you a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to make an ecological cat rod with replaceable pendants. It’s really not that difficult!
Some time ago we had the pleasure to test the Super Benek plant litter and this time I prepared for you a review of another product of this brand – an organic Odor Absorber.
Find out how to dispose any kind of cat litter in the eco and legal ways. Learn why you shouldn’t compost cat excrements or throw biodegradable litter into the toilet.